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Making Money with Online Horsebooks
Online horsebooks are a huge craze in Canada among those who like to watch various types of events in person or on TV. Gambling on the events isn't something that everyone does, but those who do participate claim that it can be profitable as long as you do your research. There are many different events on which wagers can be placed, including the Kentucky Derby which is part of the famous Triple Crown.
Woodbine is by far the most popular track in Canada. It opened back in 1956 and has since hosted some of the most exciting races in the history of the sport. Here, users can find three different tracks upon which dozens of races take place every week. Those who take the time to study the tracks, horses, drivers and jockeys can really make a profit as long as they are able to keep their composure when betting. This means sticking to the facts rather than intuition.
The Canadian Triple Crown
There is also a Canadian Triple Crown, and it's where people who know their stuff can really cash in. There are three legs as per the namesake: the Queen's Plate, the Prince of Wales Stakes, and the Breeders' Stakes. These races start in June or early July and go through August, and some of the biggest wagers in the world are placed on them. In fact, they have the highest physical turnout of any other event in the country with the exception of hockey games, and people who choose to use mobile online horsebooks can place wagers as they watch the action progress in real life.
Types of Bettors
There are many different types of people out there who place bets on these events. Some of them do it professionally, but they must treat it like a full time job by reading and researching for hours every single day. Others will treat it like an investment and wager moderate amounts here and there in an attempt to save for retirement or add to their savings, and still others only bet for fun to amplify the excitement that comes along with rooting for their favorite horse to win.
Avoiding Addiction
Unfortunately, like other forms of gambling, placing these types of wagers can lead to addiction for some people. This is especially true when individuals don't have to travel to a physical location in order to spend their money on the games. If you or someone you know is spending more than they can afford, pawning or selling items in an effort to recover losses, or hiding their habits from everyone in order to avoid shame, it may be necessary to contact one of the several non-profit groups in Canada that specialize in treating addictions like these.
Overall, online horsebooks provide a fantastic opportunity to place a variety of wagers on any number of events. In fact, many of them will offer a new player incentive, such as a free $50, to bring new customers through the virtual doors.